GoLiNiel.com Family


M has a hedgehog. I dont have a picture yet.
Her name is Ampersand. Or maybe it's '&', I am not really sure.
GP and M have a new kitten. The have named it Asterisk. ( or perhaps just * )
Family Related Links
Bodil Brems -Gymnastics Teacher
Fireflies Photo
Fred Meyer Stores

Jack the Dog.     Short for Jackstraw.
Derived from the song by the same name, from "The Grateful Dead".
Honey describes him as a "pack animal".  
I think thats a psychological term for "socially dependent".
He is also a bit "culturally diverse". For more Jack related photos.....

Jack just had a bit of surgery done on his tail. This forced him to wear "The Collar" and has made him none too happy. For more on that.....

Integrated Services, Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
Laurel Elementary Grade School
Leonard Industries
G got a new (used) car. It is a 1998 Acura Integra, and a very pretty blue.
Old Navy Stores
Panera Bread
Rasmus Brems-Hulgaard -Danish Power Tumbler
TheFence The Fence is one of this years home projects. Scale Model of 1912 Model T
Solvang Independant Living
SouthWestern Oregon Community College
Mt. St. Helens

M borrowed our snow shoes and climbed Mt. St. Helens in October.
The weather appeared to be very good and the climb was long.
There is a lot of snow up there now, and the views seemed fantastic.

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